Conquer Chaos and Reclaim Your Home

I’m always excited when January rolls around. Why? Because it's a wonderful opportunity to start afresh, and what better place to start than our own homes? It's the perfect time to say goodbye to the things you've accumulated over the years and no longer use. Yes, I’m talking about decluttering!

We all lead such busy lives that there's the constant temptation to hang on to things and chuck them in a cupboard. Out of sight out of mind, is very true. But then you get to the point when you open up the cupboard and you're faced with a mountain of stuff staring back at you. And then you start to think that you need more storage space; perhaps an extension is the answer or should you move to a bigger house?  But before you make any drastic decisions, take a step back and consider decluttering as the first solution.

AI generated image of an unmade bed with a cardboard box on the floor labelled donate

Is it time to take control of your home and have a good old sort out?

Decluttering goes beyond simply discarding items. It's about making conscious choices to create a more meaningful and intentional living space. It's about letting go of excess and only keeping what truly adds value to our lives. By doing so, we not only free up physical space but also mental and emotional space.

It's an opportunity to evaluate our possessions and determine what truly matters to us.

And I can vouch for this from personal experience. I've spent the past two weekends decluttering, and it has been a transformative journey! The house looks so much better as an edited, curated living space.

But it’s not just about how things look, It's also had a massive positive effect mentally and emotionally and has definitely improved my productivity and focus.  It's amazing how much lighter and happier I feel now that everything has its place. With fewer distractions and less time spent searching for misplaced items, I feel like I'm reclaiming valuable time and energy. I no longer find myself shouting out, “where's my…”

The Steps I Took To Declutter My Home

Now that we've explored the benefits of decluttering, let's dive into how to approach it effectively. Here's what I did to regain control and create a more intentional home.

1. When Decluttering, Start Small

Instead of overwhelming yourself by tackling the whole house in a day, break it up into manageable chunks. Create a schedule that allows you to focus on one area at a time, so you make steady and sustainable progress.

Inside a kitchen pantry cupboard featuring cook books and labelled food storage jars

2. Sort and Categorise Your Belongings

As you declutter, create four groups: Keep, donate, sell, and recycle (or throw out if it's beyond recycling).

Be honest with yourself about what you truly need and what you can let go of. Ask yourself:

  • Do I use this item regularly or is it just taking up space?

  • Does this item hold sentimental value or bring joy to my life?

  • Can someone else benefit from this item more than I do?

This process of sorting and categorising will help you make mindful decisions and detach from unnecessary belongings. It's time to tap into your inner Marie Kondo folks!

Teal blue custom made fitted cupboard with cabinets and open shelving and a decorative brass picture light

3. Get Organised

Give everything in your home a designated place. Establish a system that works for you. I like to store smaller items in baskets and labelled containers, keep everyday items within easy reach and have a 'junk drawer' for all the miscellaneous bits and bobs. Your system will not only maintain the order once the decluttering process is complete but also make it easier to find and access things when needed.

This bespoke cupboard from our Harpenden project provides plenty of space to hide clutter away. The open shelving is a great ways to display treasured possessions and the antique brass picture light is a stylish decorate touch.


4. Involve the Family

Make the decluttering process a fun and engaging activity for the whole family. To be honest, I'm still working on this one! But the plan is turn on some music, set a timer, and propose a challenge to see who can declutter their bedrooms the fastest (but points will be deducted if the kids simply chuck everything in the bin!) By involving everyone, I'm hoping to share the workload and also instill a sense of responsibility and teamwork. Fingers crossed on this one!


A curated selection of your favourite items displayed on open shelving is a great way to add your own personal touch to your home, reflecting your unique style and taste. Add plenty of plants to bring the space to life.

Storage Needs

Once you've worked out how much stuff you need to store, you might realise that one of your problems is lack of storage. You are never going to achieve a clutter free home if there's nowhere to put everything. From coats and shoes, to games and toys, every item needs to have a home. 

 I'm a big fan of fitted storage because it makes the most of every inch of space. Take a look at these fitted storage solutions from our past projects for inspiration. From alcove cupboards, book shelves to under stairs shelving, there are plenty of stylish options.

 If you prefer freestanding, ‘off the shelf’ options, some of my favourites are Tylko, Vitsoe and String Shelving. 

 For smaller spaces, multi functional-furniture is a great option. Consider ottomans and storage benches that double up as seating, along with console and coffee tables with drawers.

Fitted furniture in this large entrance hall provides plenty of stylish storage and makes it easy to eliminate clutter.

This Vitsoe shelving fits perfectly in these alcoves. If you move, they can move with you.


Parting thoughts

Remember, decluttering is not a one-time event but a continuous practice. Embrace it as a lifestyle to ensure your decluttering efforts aren't just a one-hit wonder.

Need help to get the most out of your home?

If you need help making sense of your home in 2024 get it touch. This could be the year to finally get to grips with your home and invest in the changes that will support your lifestyle. I won't be able to help on the decluttering side of things I'm afraid (there are plenty of companies who specialise in this), but when it comes to designing a home, making sure it's practical for everyday use and drop dead gorgeous, I'm all in!

So here’s to new beginnings, personal growth and a clutter free 2024!

Headshot of Alison Anderson, owner of hertfordshire interior design company Alison Anderson Interiors

Thanks for reading!


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